Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Color: Violet

Position: Top of Head, Cerebral Cortex

Focus: “I Understand” and “Live In The Present Moment”

Crystals: amethyst, alexandrite, clear quartz

Rights: to know and to learn

Developmental Stage: throughout life

Demon: attachment

Key Words: awareness

  1. Chakra of the Spirit (Eastern religion): lessons related to spirituality
  2. Sacrament of Extreme Unction (Christianity): to receive or bestow the grace to finish one’s unfinished business so as to live and love in the present moment
  3. Sefirah of Keter (Kabbalah): the energy of the Divine that flows into physical manifestation. This sefirah is the most undefined; it does not have an identity; there is no specificity in this point of beginning between heaven and earth
Issues: transcendence, immanence, belief systems, higher power, divinity, union, vision, ability to see the bigger picture, faith and inspiration, spirituality and devotion

Excess: Energy goes up and our through the chakra with no descending current.
  • SIGNS: over intellectualization, spiritual addiction, confusion, dissociation from body
Deficiency: Rising current is blocked from completion to the chakra. There is no descending current.
  • SIGNS: spiritual cynicism, learning difficulties, rigid belief systems, apathy, excess in lower chakras (materialism, greed, domination of others)
Balance: ability to perceive, analyze, and assimilate information, intelligent, thoughtful, aware, open-minded, able to question, spiritually connected, wisdom and mastery, broad understanding

Physical Effects: cognitive delusions, energetic disorders, sensitivities to light and sound
  • SPECIFIC: coma, migraines, brain tumours, amnesia, mystical depression, chronic exhaustion
Healings & Meditations: reestablish physical, emotional connection (excess), reestablish spiritual connection (deficiency), learning and study, spiritual discipline, meditation, psychotherapy (examine belief systems, develop inner witness, work with higher power)
  1. Visualize a violet cap sitting on the top of your head - Turn your attention to your breaths and tune into your inner self. Let go of the experiences of the day and of any situations and emotions you have yet to release. Keep your focus on the present moment and let your awareness move deeper into yourself. Relax your mind and let your thoughts quiet. Let yourself live in the moment and just Be. Let go of all judgements and perceptions.
  2. Meditation - Meditation is the most effective for opening up the crown chakra. Meditation is calming and quieting the mind by focusing your complete attention on the present moment. Meditation can bring up past issues or buried feelings from the unconscious to the conscious mind. When these difficult feelings or thoughts appear, watch them from an objective, non-judgemental perspective. Allow the thought or feeling to play out on it’s own. Once the thought or feeling has subsided, analyze the meaning of its appearance and let it go. There are many different types of meditation: 
    • Silent: Sitting in a comfortable position in silence, focusing all of your attention on your breaths. Feel your breaths expand and fill your entire body.
    • Guided Meditation: Using an audio recording or voice to guide you through your meditation. Most find this form of meditation to be most useful when starting out.
    • Mantra: Repeating a word, phrase or affirmation with every inhale and exhale.
    • Observing the Witness: Take a step back from yourself and your mind. Simply observe your thoughts and feelings without trying to change or reject them. Accept them as they come and watch what they do. Pay attention to where in your body you feel them, and the effect they have on you. Watch with a detachment. Put all of your awareness into these thoughts and emotions. Once you become aware of your thoughts and emotions, they are brought into your conscious mind fully. With your full attention, let go of, and release, the hold these emotions and thoughts have on you.
    • Looking at a Calming Symbol: Focus your attention on a calming image, mandala, or object (such as a flame).
    • Walking: Go for a walk focusing on the present moment. Be aware of each step you take. Don’t let your mind wander to your destination. Enjoy, and feel, where you are with each step you take.
    • Listening to Instrumental Sounds or Music: Using nature sounds, meditation music, or instrumental music, let yourself flow and relax to these sounds.
    • Visualization: Visualize a relaxing image or scene to help calm your mind. Visualize your energy flow into each of your chakras or throughout your body with every inhale and exhale. Fill this visualization with the characteristics you want to manifest into your life. Picture all positive energy coming in (inhale) and all unwanted energy going out (exhale).
  3. Mindfulness - Mindfulness means paying attention and staying in the present moment. When you are practicing mindfulness, you are experiencing as much of the present moment as you can. You aren’t lost in the past or caught up in the future, but you bring them together into the present moment. You are focusing all of your energy on the moment you’re in. When you are mindful, you are conscious. This act of conscious living allows you to witness everything as it happens and lets all situations just Be. By taking this step back and witnessing the present moment fully, the ability to avoid suffering and to live with ease is much greater.
  4. Non-attachment - Practicing non-attachment lessens suffering and helps in the process of becoming mindful. See here for an exercise on dealing with attachments.
  5. Transcending Your Ego Identities - Click here for a meditation that focuses on letting go of false identities and that works on connecting you to your true Self.

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