A Meditation: Transcending Your Lower Ego Identities

Friday, 10 April 2015

The goal for this meditation is to let go of the identities you have placed upon yourself relative to the lower chakras.

Start in a seated position, focusing on your breaths. Bring your attention inward while letting go of all external distractions. Focus your energy on the present moment. Once you have done this, proceed to the steps below.

Step One: Let go of everything that is not your physical body. As you let go, bring your attention into your body. Feel it's edges, shape, solidity. Feel how it envelopes your soul in warmth and comfort. Now bring your attention to the part of you that is aware of your body. Notice how this awareness has not changed even when your body has. Feel the energy of this awareness and welcome it. Ask it to be with you on your journey through this meditation.

Step Two: Feeling your emotional body. Allow yourself to feel all of the emotions swirling around inside of your body. Be the awareness that watches them and allows them to Be without trying to reject or change them. Watch what your emotions do. Let them expand, lessen and settle into your body. Ready yourself to move on.

Step Three: Evaluate your actions and reactions to tasks and activities. See yourself doing daily tasks and activities. Notice your reactions to these tasks and activities. Determine whether your reactions were automatic, based on emotion or based on habit. Be aware of how hooked your ego is to these reactions. Let yourself take a step back to see that you are not the one who is creating your reactions, but it is your ego who is the cause of these reactions. Choose not to let your ego control you by choosing not to react. Embrace this awareness and ready yourself to move on.

Step Four: The person behind the persona. View yourself interacting with someone else. What does this person look like through their perspective? Is this person playing a role? Do they have many roles? Now imagine yourself as a puppet master conducting this role or persona. You have the ability to conduct and change the persona. See that you are not the same as the persona. Who's the person behind the persona? Let the persona fall away and ready yourself to move on.

Step Five: Look at all past situations and creations formed by you. Remember everything you have created in your life time, whether it be good or bad. See the I that created these situations, but separate the I from the situations themselves. See that you have the ability to create many more situations and formations. Leave behind all past situations, after acknowledging them, and ready yourself to move on.

Step Six: Look at the archetypal energies present in your life. Notice any archetypal energy that you might be trying to fulfill or follow. Where do these energies come from? Notice how they are culturally influenced. See these archetypal energies as separate from yourself. Be aware of the part of you that has existed for eternity and has already experienced many different ways of life. Be the part of you that as the option of choosing which ride to go on. Let go of these culturally influenced energies and ready yourself to move on.

Step Seven: Feel your ultimate Self. Feel the presence that was with you throughout this meditation. Let go of all of the identities you have defined yourself with. Let go of the body, emotions, reactions, personas, projects and archetypal energies that you have paid close attention to throughout this meditation. Feel that lightness that comes from letting these identities fall away from you. Feel yourself expanding as one with the universe. Feel the connection between yourself and the world. Embrace the Self that exists after dropping these false identities. This is your ultimate truth and reality.

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