Transition & Readjustment. A major theme in my life right now! ππΌπ« #tarot via Instagram
Let Go Of What You Can't Control
Sunday, 26 April 2015
Accept everything that's thrown at you because it's there for a reason & let go of your need to control every situation. Just let things happen! πππΌπ✨
A Few Techniques To Quiet Your Mind
Saturday, 25 April 2015
1. FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION IN THE PRESENT: Nothing can cause more anxiety, stress and worry than being stuck in the past or thinking about the future. When you feel your mind drift off and away from the present, gentling bring your awareness back into the present.
2. MEDITATE: Meditation is all about focusing on the present moment and calming your mind. There are many different ways to meditate so you can pick one that suits you.
3. TAKE A WALK IN NATURE OR A TRIP TO THE COUNTRY: Turn your attention to the beauty that's around you. Let go of all the stress you've been holding on to and just take in the most you can that's within your surroundings.
4. USE A MANTRA OR AFFIRMATION: Create a mantra (word or phrase) or an affirmation (statement) that's relative and meaningful to you. Repeat this mantra or affirmation throughout your day to keep your attention focused on your intentions for the day.
2. MEDITATE: Meditation is all about focusing on the present moment and calming your mind. There are many different ways to meditate so you can pick one that suits you.
3. TAKE A WALK IN NATURE OR A TRIP TO THE COUNTRY: Turn your attention to the beauty that's around you. Let go of all the stress you've been holding on to and just take in the most you can that's within your surroundings.
4. USE A MANTRA OR AFFIRMATION: Create a mantra (word or phrase) or an affirmation (statement) that's relative and meaningful to you. Repeat this mantra or affirmation throughout your day to keep your attention focused on your intentions for the day.
A Daily Meditation (taken from Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss)
Monday, 20 April 2015
The goal of this meditation is to deepen the connection between you and your chakras. In this meditation, you will evaluate the health of your body, mind and spirit.
As you focus your attention:
Chakra Three: Using the energy from the sefirot of Nezad and Hod, integrity and endurance, evaluate your own method of behaviour and see if you have compromised your own honour in any way. If so, meditate on what honour means to you and ask for assistance with maintaining your personal standards. Using the sacrament of Confirmation, commit yourself to honouring your own dignity.
Chakra Four: Using the energy of love and compassion from the sefirah of Tif'eret, evaluate how you extend love to others as well as to yourself. This includes through the act of forgiveness. Focus on how well you care for yourself and how well you honour your symbolic view of the sacrament of Marriage.
Chakra Five: Using the energy from the sefirot of Hesed and Gevurah, mercy and judgement, evaluate the quality of thoughts you have of others and of yourself. Evaluate the words you have said to others. If they were harmful, send positive energy to these people. If they were false, acknowledge the fact that you have deceived others. Examine the fear that exists within you that caused you to deceive others. This uses the sacrament of Confession. Ask for guidance in giving you the courage not to act in this negative pattern again.
Chakra Six: Using the energy of the sefirot of Hokhmah and Binah, wisdom and understanding, examine your daily life. Ask for insight and guidance for the situations you feel confused about and frightened of. Remember the sacrament of Ordination, which states that everyone has a life purpose and you will always be led to it. It is impossible to miss your life's purpose.
Chakra Seven: Focus on the energy of the sefirah of Keter, your contact with the Divine, and the sacrament of Extreme Unction, consciously completing and releasing your unfinished business. Allow the universal energy to enter your body, mind and spirit and breathe this energy into your Being.
As you focus your attention:
- Ask yourself: "Am I losing energy? If so, what fear is drawing power from this part of my body?" Take a deep breath and consciously disconnect your energy from that fear.
- Invoke the protective energies of the spiritual guardians, the sefirot or sacrament, of that particular chakra.
- Enter consciously into the energy of that chakra and sense the quality of energy activity increasing in that part of your body.
Chakra One: Feel yourself connected to all of life through the energy of the sefirah of Shekhinah. Through the sacrament of Baptism, bless the life you were given, along with the family that makes up your life.
Chakra Two: Using the energy from the sefirah of Yesod, let the energy that is being released from this chakra bring creativity into your life. Re-examine your intention if there is fear and negativity associated with the release of this energy. Through the sacrament of Communion, see everyone in your life as having a purpose. If you cannot see this, ask for the energy to see through these illusions.
Chakra Three: Using the energy from the sefirot of Nezad and Hod, integrity and endurance, evaluate your own method of behaviour and see if you have compromised your own honour in any way. If so, meditate on what honour means to you and ask for assistance with maintaining your personal standards. Using the sacrament of Confirmation, commit yourself to honouring your own dignity.
Chakra Four: Using the energy of love and compassion from the sefirah of Tif'eret, evaluate how you extend love to others as well as to yourself. This includes through the act of forgiveness. Focus on how well you care for yourself and how well you honour your symbolic view of the sacrament of Marriage.
Chakra Five: Using the energy from the sefirot of Hesed and Gevurah, mercy and judgement, evaluate the quality of thoughts you have of others and of yourself. Evaluate the words you have said to others. If they were harmful, send positive energy to these people. If they were false, acknowledge the fact that you have deceived others. Examine the fear that exists within you that caused you to deceive others. This uses the sacrament of Confession. Ask for guidance in giving you the courage not to act in this negative pattern again.
Chakra Six: Using the energy of the sefirot of Hokhmah and Binah, wisdom and understanding, examine your daily life. Ask for insight and guidance for the situations you feel confused about and frightened of. Remember the sacrament of Ordination, which states that everyone has a life purpose and you will always be led to it. It is impossible to miss your life's purpose.
Chakra Seven: Focus on the energy of the sefirah of Keter, your contact with the Divine, and the sacrament of Extreme Unction, consciously completing and releasing your unfinished business. Allow the universal energy to enter your body, mind and spirit and breathe this energy into your Being.
5 Things To Remember
Sunday, 19 April 2015
What I learned today ππΌ✨ via Instagram
A Quote to Keep Yourself Open
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Keep your energy, heart, mind and soul open to everything. Don't let yourself shut down. Keep the good vibes flowing! ππΌ✨ via Instagram
Smoothie Recipe
Friday, 17 April 2015
1 pear
1 banana
Handful of raspberries
Handful of blueberries
Handful of blackberries
1 cup almond milk
1 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
2 scoops vanilla whey protein powder ππΌππ via Instagram
1 banana
Handful of raspberries
Handful of blueberries
Handful of blackberries
1 cup almond milk
1 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
2 scoops vanilla whey protein powder ππΌππ via Instagram
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Color: Violet
Position: Top of Head, Cerebral Cortex
Focus: “I Understand” and “Live In The Present Moment”
Crystals: amethyst, alexandrite, clear quartz
Rights: to know and to learn
Developmental Stage: throughout life
Demon: attachment
Key Words: awareness
- Chakra of the Spirit (Eastern religion): lessons related to spirituality
- Sacrament of Extreme Unction (Christianity): to receive or bestow the grace to finish one’s unfinished business so as to live and love in the present moment
- Sefirah of Keter (Kabbalah): the energy of the Divine that flows into physical manifestation. This sefirah is the most undefined; it does not have an identity; there is no specificity in this point of beginning between heaven and earth
Issues: transcendence, immanence, belief systems, higher power, divinity, union, vision, ability to see the bigger picture, faith and inspiration, spirituality and devotion
Excess: Energy goes up and our through the chakra with no descending current.
- SIGNS: over intellectualization, spiritual addiction, confusion, dissociation from body
Deficiency: Rising current is blocked from completion to the chakra. There is no descending current.
- SIGNS: spiritual cynicism, learning difficulties, rigid belief systems, apathy, excess in lower chakras (materialism, greed, domination of others)
Balance: ability to perceive, analyze, and assimilate information, intelligent, thoughtful, aware, open-minded, able to question, spiritually connected, wisdom and mastery, broad understanding
Physical Effects: cognitive delusions, energetic disorders, sensitivities to light and sound
- SPECIFIC: coma, migraines, brain tumours, amnesia, mystical depression, chronic exhaustion
Healings & Meditations: reestablish physical, emotional connection (excess), reestablish spiritual connection (deficiency), learning and study, spiritual discipline, meditation, psychotherapy (examine belief systems, develop inner witness, work with higher power)
- Visualize a violet cap sitting on the top of your head - Turn your attention to your breaths and tune into your inner self. Let go of the experiences of the day and of any situations and emotions you have yet to release. Keep your focus on the present moment and let your awareness move deeper into yourself. Relax your mind and let your thoughts quiet. Let yourself live in the moment and just Be. Let go of all judgements and perceptions.
- Meditation - Meditation is the most effective for opening up the crown chakra. Meditation is calming and quieting the mind by focusing your complete attention on the present moment. Meditation can bring up past issues or buried feelings from the unconscious to the conscious mind. When these difficult feelings or thoughts appear, watch them from an objective, non-judgemental perspective. Allow the thought or feeling to play out on it’s own. Once the thought or feeling has subsided, analyze the meaning of its appearance and let it go. There are many different types of meditation:
- Silent: Sitting in a comfortable position in silence, focusing all of your attention on your breaths. Feel your breaths expand and fill your entire body.
- Guided Meditation: Using an audio recording or voice to guide you through your meditation. Most find this form of meditation to be most useful when starting out.
- Mantra: Repeating a word, phrase or affirmation with every inhale and exhale.
- Observing the Witness: Take a step back from yourself and your mind. Simply observe your thoughts and feelings without trying to change or reject them. Accept them as they come and watch what they do. Pay attention to where in your body you feel them, and the effect they have on you. Watch with a detachment. Put all of your awareness into these thoughts and emotions. Once you become aware of your thoughts and emotions, they are brought into your conscious mind fully. With your full attention, let go of, and release, the hold these emotions and thoughts have on you.
- Looking at a Calming Symbol: Focus your attention on a calming image, mandala, or object (such as a flame).
- Walking: Go for a walk focusing on the present moment. Be aware of each step you take. Don’t let your mind wander to your destination. Enjoy, and feel, where you are with each step you take.
- Listening to Instrumental Sounds or Music: Using nature sounds, meditation music, or instrumental music, let yourself flow and relax to these sounds.
- Visualization: Visualize a relaxing image or scene to help calm your mind. Visualize your energy flow into each of your chakras or throughout your body with every inhale and exhale. Fill this visualization with the characteristics you want to manifest into your life. Picture all positive energy coming in (inhale) and all unwanted energy going out (exhale).
- Mindfulness - Mindfulness means paying attention and staying in the present moment. When you are practicing mindfulness, you are experiencing as much of the present moment as you can. You aren’t lost in the past or caught up in the future, but you bring them together into the present moment. You are focusing all of your energy on the moment you’re in. When you are mindful, you are conscious. This act of conscious living allows you to witness everything as it happens and lets all situations just Be. By taking this step back and witnessing the present moment fully, the ability to avoid suffering and to live with ease is much greater.
- Non-attachment - Practicing non-attachment lessens suffering and helps in the process of becoming mindful. See here for an exercise on dealing with attachments.
- Transcending Your Ego Identities - Click here for a meditation that focuses on letting go of false identities and that works on connecting you to your true Self.
Breathe In, Breathe Out
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
Breathing in, I see myself as a mountain. Breathing out, I feel solid. Breathing in, I see myself as space. Breathing out, I feel free. π✨ via Instagram
Something To Work On
Monday, 13 April 2015
Something to work on via Instagram
Strawberry Raspberry Smoothie
Friday, 10 April 2015
For those who like some tang to their smoothie: Strawberry Raspberry Smoothie. Vanilla whey protein powder, almond milk, vanilla yogurt, strawberries, raspberries. The more raspberries, the tangier it gets! Adjust to your preference π πππ via Instagram
A Meditation: Transcending Your Lower Ego Identities
The goal for this meditation is to let go of the identities you have placed upon yourself relative to the lower chakras.
Start in a seated position, focusing on your breaths. Bring your attention inward while letting go of all external distractions. Focus your energy on the present moment. Once you have done this, proceed to the steps below.
Step One: Let go of everything that is not your physical body. As you let go, bring your attention into your body. Feel it's edges, shape, solidity. Feel how it envelopes your soul in warmth and comfort. Now bring your attention to the part of you that is aware of your body. Notice how this awareness has not changed even when your body has. Feel the energy of this awareness and welcome it. Ask it to be with you on your journey through this meditation.
Step Two: Feeling your emotional body. Allow yourself to feel all of the emotions swirling around inside of your body. Be the awareness that watches them and allows them to Be without trying to reject or change them. Watch what your emotions do. Let them expand, lessen and settle into your body. Ready yourself to move on.
Step Three: Evaluate your actions and reactions to tasks and activities. See yourself doing daily tasks and activities. Notice your reactions to these tasks and activities. Determine whether your reactions were automatic, based on emotion or based on habit. Be aware of how hooked your ego is to these reactions. Let yourself take a step back to see that you are not the one who is creating your reactions, but it is your ego who is the cause of these reactions. Choose not to let your ego control you by choosing not to react. Embrace this awareness and ready yourself to move on.
Step Four: The person behind the persona. View yourself interacting with someone else. What does this person look like through their perspective? Is this person playing a role? Do they have many roles? Now imagine yourself as a puppet master conducting this role or persona. You have the ability to conduct and change the persona. See that you are not the same as the persona. Who's the person behind the persona? Let the persona fall away and ready yourself to move on.
Step Five: Look at all past situations and creations formed by you. Remember everything you have created in your life time, whether it be good or bad. See the I that created these situations, but separate the I from the situations themselves. See that you have the ability to create many more situations and formations. Leave behind all past situations, after acknowledging them, and ready yourself to move on.
Step Six: Look at the archetypal energies present in your life. Notice any archetypal energy that you might be trying to fulfill or follow. Where do these energies come from? Notice how they are culturally influenced. See these archetypal energies as separate from yourself. Be aware of the part of you that has existed for eternity and has already experienced many different ways of life. Be the part of you that as the option of choosing which ride to go on. Let go of these culturally influenced energies and ready yourself to move on.
Step Seven: Feel your ultimate Self. Feel the presence that was with you throughout this meditation. Let go of all of the identities you have defined yourself with. Let go of the body, emotions, reactions, personas, projects and archetypal energies that you have paid close attention to throughout this meditation. Feel that lightness that comes from letting these identities fall away from you. Feel yourself expanding as one with the universe. Feel the connection between yourself and the world. Embrace the Self that exists after dropping these false identities. This is your ultimate truth and reality.
Start in a seated position, focusing on your breaths. Bring your attention inward while letting go of all external distractions. Focus your energy on the present moment. Once you have done this, proceed to the steps below.
Step One: Let go of everything that is not your physical body. As you let go, bring your attention into your body. Feel it's edges, shape, solidity. Feel how it envelopes your soul in warmth and comfort. Now bring your attention to the part of you that is aware of your body. Notice how this awareness has not changed even when your body has. Feel the energy of this awareness and welcome it. Ask it to be with you on your journey through this meditation.
Step Two: Feeling your emotional body. Allow yourself to feel all of the emotions swirling around inside of your body. Be the awareness that watches them and allows them to Be without trying to reject or change them. Watch what your emotions do. Let them expand, lessen and settle into your body. Ready yourself to move on.
Step Three: Evaluate your actions and reactions to tasks and activities. See yourself doing daily tasks and activities. Notice your reactions to these tasks and activities. Determine whether your reactions were automatic, based on emotion or based on habit. Be aware of how hooked your ego is to these reactions. Let yourself take a step back to see that you are not the one who is creating your reactions, but it is your ego who is the cause of these reactions. Choose not to let your ego control you by choosing not to react. Embrace this awareness and ready yourself to move on.
Step Four: The person behind the persona. View yourself interacting with someone else. What does this person look like through their perspective? Is this person playing a role? Do they have many roles? Now imagine yourself as a puppet master conducting this role or persona. You have the ability to conduct and change the persona. See that you are not the same as the persona. Who's the person behind the persona? Let the persona fall away and ready yourself to move on.
Step Five: Look at all past situations and creations formed by you. Remember everything you have created in your life time, whether it be good or bad. See the I that created these situations, but separate the I from the situations themselves. See that you have the ability to create many more situations and formations. Leave behind all past situations, after acknowledging them, and ready yourself to move on.
Step Six: Look at the archetypal energies present in your life. Notice any archetypal energy that you might be trying to fulfill or follow. Where do these energies come from? Notice how they are culturally influenced. See these archetypal energies as separate from yourself. Be aware of the part of you that has existed for eternity and has already experienced many different ways of life. Be the part of you that as the option of choosing which ride to go on. Let go of these culturally influenced energies and ready yourself to move on.
Step Seven: Feel your ultimate Self. Feel the presence that was with you throughout this meditation. Let go of all of the identities you have defined yourself with. Let go of the body, emotions, reactions, personas, projects and archetypal energies that you have paid close attention to throughout this meditation. Feel that lightness that comes from letting these identities fall away from you. Feel yourself expanding as one with the universe. Feel the connection between yourself and the world. Embrace the Self that exists after dropping these false identities. This is your ultimate truth and reality.
Ten of Swords
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Embrace new beginnings. Liberate yourself from old behaviours, drop useless emotions, make room for a "new you." Declutter your personal life! Accept your illusions for what they are and allow these illusions to bring you self-awareness. Keep your focus forward and let go of the past that's pulling you backwards. #tarot #advice #lessons #cards #spirituality #mind #body #spirit #enlightenment #consciousness via Instagram
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Color: Indigo
Position: Brow
Focus: “I See” and “Seek Only The Truth”
Crystals: tanzanite, sapphire, lapis lazuli
Rights: to see
Developmental Stage: adolescence
Demon: illusion
Key Words: intuition, imagination
- Chakra of the Mind (Eastern religion): lessons related to mind, intuition, insight, and wisdom
- Sacrament of Ordination (Christianity): to receive or bestow the grace to make sacred one’s path of service
- Sefiroh of Binah and Hokhmah (Kabbalah): Binah is the energy of the Divine mother, representing understanding and the intelligence of God. Hokhmah is the energy of wisdom and the contact point between the Divine mind and human thought
Issues: image, intuition, imagination, visualization, insight, dreams, vision, self-evaluation, truth, openness to the ideas of others
Excess: Too much energy inward causes an over bombardment of psychic input which diminishes clear seeing.
- SIGNS: hallucinations, delusions, obsessions, difficulty concentrating, nightmares
Deficiency: Unable to see out. Self-reflection is narrow and egotistical.
- SIGNS: insensitivity, poor vision, poor memory, difficulty seeing future, lack of imagination, difficulty visualizing, poor dream recall, denial, mono-polarized (one true right and only way)
Balance: intuitive, perceptive, imaginative, good memory, good dream recall, able to think symbolically, able to visualize
Physical Effects: vision problems, headaches, neurological disturbances, full spinal difficulties, learning disabilities, seizures
- SPECIFIC: brain tumour/hemorrhage/stroke, blindness, deafness
Healings & Meditations: create visual art, visual stimulation, meditation, psychotherapy (colouring and drawing, art therapy, working with memory, connecting image with feeling, dreamwork, hypnosis, guided visualization, past life regression therapy)
- Visualize an indigo, five-pointed star between your eyebrows - Let each of these points represent wisdom, knowledge, discernment, imagination and intuition. Picture these 5 characteristics flowing into you life. Imagine the colour indigo filling you up and centering you. Allow this light to bring peace and calm into you and your life.
- Dream Work - Dreams are very intuitive and, a lot of the time, they show you your unconscious thoughts and feelings. They can portray very important messages that can help you move toward your life’s purpose. Paying close attention to your dreams opens up your third eye. If you’re having trouble accessing or remembering your dreams, follow these steps:
- Make an affirmation that you will say every night before falling asleep that says that you will remember your dreams.
- Review your day from start to finish before falling asleep.
- Upon waking up, review any dreams you might remember without moving your body position. If you have already moved, it may help to remember the dream by returning to the same body position you were in while having the dream.
- Every morning, write down anything you remember about your dreams. Evaluate the meaning behind each dream. What feelings arose within the dream? What objects were there in your dream? Could they symbolically represent an aspect of your life? The more you pay attention to your dreams, and your subconscious mind, the easier it’ll be to remember them.
- Vitamin B or melatonin can help with remembering dreams.
- Encouraging & Improving Visualization - For those who have difficulties visualizing images or scenarios through your mind’s eye, try these techniques:
- Visual Art: Draw each chakra as it feels to you. Evaluate the drawings to see what needs work and be aware of the energy of each chakra in regards to what you drew.
- Collages: If drawing doesn’t appeal to you, try making a collage based on a certain topic or situation relevant to you. Meditate using this collage and add to it as you continue to change and grow.
- Mandalas: Make a mandala for each chakra with the corresponding colour. Use each mandala to meditate with when focusing on the specific chakra.
- Creative Visualization - This technique is used for visualizing the things we want to manifest into our lives. Start by meditating and visualizing the situation you want to manifest. Absorb your bodies responses and feelings into your chakras. Imagine yourself already in that situation, don’t make an effort to visualize it. Once you have successfully visualized and felt the situation, let it go. Picture it being released from your thoughts into the universe where it will manifest.
- Guided Visualization - Lay on your back and let yourself fall into a meditative state. Have a friend, or listen to a recording, read or tell a story specific to the situation of your choice. The story must have a resolution where the healing takes place. Visualize the story through your mind’s eye as you hear it and let yourself feel and explore it. Experience it through your body and mind.
Self Expression
Friday, 3 April 2015
Self expression is a way to communicate your thoughts, feelings, emotions and ideas through movement, writing, dancing, singing, art, music, or speaking. Self expression contains honesty, soul, release, space, therapy, peace, security, creativity, cleansing, detoxification and freedom. Let yourself go, through the things you are passionate about, and breathe. π
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Blue Goldstone
Thursday, 2 April 2015
Blue Goldstone is great for providing composure, stabilizing emotions and giving energy. This stone is one of wisdom and helps us to remember the light within the dark. It also removes and repels unwanted entities from your environment.
Smoothie Recipe
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup frozen blackberries
1 banana
1 tsp honey
2 scoops vanilla whey protein powder
1 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 cup coconut milk or almond milk
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt or greek yogurt
*add water or milk for desired thickness
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