Why Do You Love Doing The Things You Love?

Friday, 13 March 2015

One of my yoga teachers posed the question, "Why do you do yoga?" When she asked this question, I started reflecting on the things I go to for a break from my everyday life, on the things I love doing.

For me, there are two things that really make me feel alive: gymnastics & yoga. I love both of these things for the same, and different, reasons. They help me practice staying in the present moment. They give me the focus, discipline & concentration I can use for other situations in my everyday life. When I need to let something go, when I need to work something out, or when I need a break from my daily life, I can go to either of these things. Yoga strengthens my spirit, gymnastics strengthens my mind, and both strengthen my physical body. I love movement and both of these give me a way to expand and better myself through that. I'm so grateful for having these two things in my life!!

Now it's your turn! Why do you love doing the things you love?

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