Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Color: Orange

Position: Lower Abdomen

Focus: “I Feel” and “Honour One Another”

Crystals: carnelian, tiger’s eye, onyx

Rights: to feel, to want and to have pleasure

Developmental Stage: 6 months to 2 years

Demon: guilt

Key Words: emotions, sexuality, movement, pleasure

  1. Partnership Chakra (Eastern religion): lessons related to sexuality, work, and physical desire
  2. Sacrament of Communion (Christianity): to receive or bestow an expression of grace (as a host) that represents holy union with God and with the people in one’s life
  3. Sefirah of Yesod (Kabbalah): the energy of the procreative force of God, merging energy into physical form, the energy that drives us to connect with the sacred within others

Issues: movement, sensation, emotions, sexuality, desire, need, pleasure, blame and guilt, money and sex, power and control, creativity, ethics and honour in relationships

Excess: The chakra will have a weak boundary and poor containment. There won’t be enough sexual/emotional expression.
  • SIGNS: sexual acting out (sex addiction), pleasure addiction, excessively strong emotions (ruled by emotions: hysteria, bipolar mood swings, crisis junkies), oversensitive, poor boundaries, invasion of others, seductive manipulation, emotional dependency, obsessive attachment

Deficiency: The chakra will have a rigid boundary that let’s little energy pass into it, causing little drive to reach outward.
  • SIGNS: rigidity in body and attitudes, frigidity (fear of sex), poor social skills, denial of pleasure, excessive boundaries, fear of change, lack of desire, passion, and excitement

Balance: graceful movement, emotional intelligence, ability to experience pleasure, nurturance of self and others, ability to change, healthy boundaries

Physical Effects: disorders of reproductive organs, spleen, and urinary system, menstrual difficulties, sexual dysfunction (frigidity, impotency), knee trouble, lack of flexibility, deadened senses, loss of appetite for food, sex, and life, ob/gyn problems, pelvic/lower back pain
  • SPECIFIC: chronic lower back pain, sciatica

Healings & Meditations: movement therapy, emotional release or containment, inner child work, boundary work, 12-step programs for addictions, assign healthy pleasures, develop sensate intelligence
  1. Visualize a large, orange pyramid in your lower abdomen - the four walls of this pyramid represent well-being, deservedness, pleasure and abundance. See the colour intensifying, giving you enough energy to do the things you love and must do. The back wall of the chakra/pyramid represents well-being. Imagine this wall giving you vitality to move forward in life, to do what you love, and to enjoy the process of enfoldment. The left wall represents deservedness. Using this wall, release any doubts you have about what you deserve and trust that life is comfortable and pleasurable. The front wall represents pleasure. Imagine the negative energy, that was blocking your ability to experience joy, dissolving under the warmth and pleasure found in your lower abdomen. Embrace in the goodness that surrounds you. The right wall represents abundance. Allow the good to flood into your chakra and be grateful for everything you have. See the colour intensifying.
  2. Reclaim Your Right To Feel - Most emotions remain locked away inside of you because you feel guilty if you express them. This repression creates excess in your second chakra. Learn to express yourself and your emotions through any activity, such as journaling, poetry, music, art, etc. There are endless possibilities. To deal with intense emotions, you want to put all of your awareness into the emotion you’re feeling. Be aware that it’s there and bring your presence into yourself. This allows for a softening of the emotion, while showing ignorance to what you’re feeling only makes the emotion more intense and creates blockages within your second chakra.
  3. Working Through Guilt - See here for questions and methods for working through guilt.

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