The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Color: Red

Position: Base of Spine

Focus: “I Am” and “All Is One”

Crystals: jasper, ruby, bloodstone, hematite

Rights: to be here, to have

Developmental Stage: womb to 12 months

Demon: fear

Key Words: stability, security, survival, belonging, grounding, tribal unity, loyalty, honour, justice

  1. Tribal chakra (Eastern religion): lessons related to the material world
  2. Sacrament of Baptism (Christianity): to receive or bestow an expression of grace representing gratitude for one’s life in the physical world
  3. Sefirah of Shekhinah (Kabbalah): The grounded life force, feeding all that is alive

Issues: roots, grounding, nourishment, trust, health, feeling at home, ability to provide for life’s necessities, physical family and group safety and security, ability to stand up for self, social and familial law and order, prosperity, appropriate boundaries 

Excess: The energy drawn towards the first chakra is unable to move downward to ground or upward to the other chakras. This causes trouble embracing change.
  • SIGNS: heaviness, sluggish, monotony, obesity, hoarding, materialism, greed, fear of change, addiction to security, rigid boundaries

Deficiency: The energy drawn to the first chakra is deflected randomly into other parts of the body without any grounding. This causes chaotic movement with little consistency.
  • SIGNS: fearful, undisciplined, restless, underweight, spacey, disconnection from body, chronic disorganization, financial difficulty, poor focus, poor boundaries

Balance: good health, vitality, well grounded, comfortable in body, sense of trust in the world, feeling of safety and security, able to relax and be still, stability, prosperity, right livelihood

Physical Effects: disorders of the bowel, anus, large intestine, disorders of solid parts of body (bones, teeth), issues with legs, feet, knees, base of spine, butt, eating disorders, frequent illness. 
  • SPECIFIC: chronic lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumours/cancer, depression, immune-related disorders

Healings & Meditations: reconnect with body, physical activity (aerobics, weights, running, dance), lots of touch (massage), bioenergetic grounding, hatha yoga, look at earliest childhood relationship to mother, reclaim right to be here

  1. “Who Am I?” Meditation - inhale, “Who Am I?”, exhale, answer the question. This meditation focuses on the I Am concept of the root chakra. At first, your mind will be answering the question, but once you are in that meditative state, your Being will answer that question and you’ll realize that you just are. You are not this or that.
  2. Visualize a large, red cube at the base of your spine - see the colour expanding and intensifying. Picture it grounding your legs and feet to the earth, giving you stability, security and structure.
  3. Body Dialog - this healing method is best done with someone else. Lay on your back with eyes closed or open. Imagine that your body is a company, and each body part is a member of the company going in for an interview on what they think of their position in the company. Go through each body part starting at your feet through to your head and describe what they are feeling in regards to their part in the whole. Have somebody sit with you to record your answers and name each body part in turn. Once you are done describing each body part, reread your answers without naming the body parts. Ex. I feel this, I feel that vs. I am my feet and I feel this, I am my knees and I feel that. By doing this, you will see how your body is reflecting your unconscious thoughts and feelings. By yourself, go through the list and ask yourself why you are feeling this way. This establishes awareness and understanding of your body, resulting in ability to take action and change.
  4. Take A Walk In Nature - Being grounded means being rooted to the earth. By being close to nature, this brings you closer to the earth and pulls your energy downward.

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