Saturday, 14 February 2015

Recently, I lost sight of my path and wasn’t sure where to go. I let myself get pretty down because of that. I don’t like not having a goal or something to strive towards. I need an intention. After a day of feeling like crap, I decided to write down a bunch of things that I like. The main points were spirituality, fitness, and health. Right now, I’m a coach at a gymnastics club but that isn’t fitting with my vibes as well as it used to. There are certain aspects of it that I like such as helping people improve. I researched jobs or careers related to my interests and ended up at spiritual psychotherapy. Spiritual psychotherapy is a holistic approach to psychotherapy, focusing on spiritual and emotional healing. So I researched some schools that I could go to and found that the majority of them require an undergraduate diploma of some sort to be eligible to apply and take the course. I’m not really interested in taking a 4 year undergrad in something related to the subject because I don’t want to spend that much time in school. However, I meditated on what my purpose is for this lifetime and got a vision that reassured me I’m on the right path for spiritual psychotherapy. I’m so excited!!! A year ago, I never would’ve thought I’d be going down this path.

The point of this post is to remind everyone that whenever you feel lost or that you feel like you have no purpose on this earth, there is always a purpose for you. Everyone is interconnected and plays a part in the whole, the totality. By that I mean, there’s a bigger picture than the lives we simply live. Everything we do, everything that happens to us is in conjunction with the whole. Everything happens for a reason even if that reason makes no sense. So when you feel lost, trust in the universe to provide guidance for you. Just focus on the present because at that moment, that is your main purpose. Whatever you are doing RIGHT NOW is your main purpose for that moment. It’s okay to feel lost and confused and feel like you don’t know who you are. Feeling at a loss is how you find out who you truly are.

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