The Power of Love

Monday, 23 February 2015

Many people think that love has the power to do a lot of things for them, but what they’re missing is the fact that they also have the power to do these things for themselves.
Let’s start with how most people think that love heals everything… So much that they rely on it to be happy. When I say love, I mean love for someone or something else; an external love, an unconscious love. This love is not true. True love comes from the core of your Being, and emanates outwards when you are totally present & non-judging. True love doesn’t have any opposites. It can’t turn into hate because true love comes from your consciousness, not your ego. Ego’s create opposites by making mental labels for everything and defining something instead of just letting it Be. Unconscious & external love is never permanent, and you will most likely, find yourself back in the pain that you thought love could fix for you. Nothing external can ever fix your pain. Healing comes from within. You have the most power to do something for yourself!

Furthermore, when people think that they’ll be happy once they find love, they spend all of their life searching & searching. When they find it, it’s great… But then it starts to crumble and they’re back where they started. People become addicted to the things they love because it covers all of their insecurities, and they don’t have to face the underlying emotions that are painful for them. These emotions don’t disappear (like everyone seems to think when they are “in love”), they just get pushed into the unconscious. Eventually, these buried emotions will begin to resurface in the love relationship because these emotions can’t be buried forever. It’s your body & unconscious thoughts trying to get your attention by saying, “Hey! Look at me! I need to be dealt with, and since you’re trying to ignore me, I’m going to screw up your relationship!” You’re always going to find yourself coming back to these buried emotions if you don’t deal with them. They will manifest in anything that you are using to cover them up.

So how do you deal with these painful, buried emotions?

To start, all you have to do is acknowledge that they are there. Turn your complete present moment awareness to the emotions. Don’t identify yourself with them, simply take a step back from your mind & emotions & form, and become the watcher; the awareness that watches your mind & emotions (not your mind and emotions themselves). Let your emotions Be as they are without trying to reject or change them. By doing this, your emotions will transform. You may still feel them, but there will be an underlying sense of peace.

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