A chakra is a spiritual energy centre that receives and expresses life force energy. Our bodies contain 7 of them. They are vertically aligned in the middle of the body starting at the base of the spine going to the top of the head. They each represent different aspects of spiritual energy or states of consciousness: the bottom 3 relate to physical aspects of our lives through movement, action and survival, and the top 4 relate to mental aspects through words, images and concepts. Through the chakras, there is an energetic current of liberation running up and an energetic current of manifestation running down, connecting and passing through all 7 chakras. The liberating current is created by the pull of mind and spirit, while the manifesting current is created by the pull of body and soul. The manifesting current is where consciousness manifests; where ideas turn into form. The liberating current is where the content of the material world becomes less restricted to, or freed from, form. The purpose of these two currents is to keep you grounded (manifestation) while giving you the ability to change and grow (liberation). There are also two horizontal currents that flow in and out of each chakra: the current of reception, and the current of expression. Through the current of reception, we receive energy and information that is entered into our system. Through the current of expression, we use the two vertical currents to express ourselves at each chakra level. With these two currents, we are able to let go of energy and receive energy in each chakra.
Below is an image showing the alignment of the chakras with their names, colour, and related state of consciousness, along with the two vertical currents.
The chakras are strongly related to our physical functioning, much like the world of emotions are. When a chakra becomes out of balance, or becomes blocked, it effects our physical body, thoughts, and behaviour. A chakra can become blocked through limited belief systems, conditioned mindsets or cultural conditioning, physical and emotional injuries, restrictive or exhausting habits, as well as a lack of attention to it. When a situation occurs, we all have our own way of coping with it. When this situation persists, we develop a chronic pattern which is remembered in our energy field, body, and mind. These remembered patterns may hold even when there is no longer a need for them and this is when these patterns block our flow of energy. Since our body and mind are so affected by these patterns, we may begin to see situations manifest in multiple areas of our lives that perpetuate these conditioned patterns. Every time a situation occurs, we use that same pattern to deal with it and it becomes more ingrained into our systems and then projected into our energy field which attracts more similar situations. This cycle will keep repeating itself until we recognize and become aware of it and take further actions to heal ourselves.
When our chakras are blocked, our four currents become effected as well. We become ungrounded (manifesting current), our thoughts and ideas aren’t able to take form in the material world resulting in inability to change (liberating current), we can’t receive the information or energy that a chakra requires to function completely (receptive current), and we become stagnant due to the fact that we can’t express the energy we need to let go of (expressive current). There are multiple ways to unblock a chakra: understand the function and dynamics of the chakra, examine any personal history related to the chakra’s issues, use exercises and techniques whether it be meditation or a daily task, or balance excess and deficiency. An excessive chakra means a person is overcompensating for a problem and the chakra is overcrowded with energy. A deficient chakra means a person doesn’t pay enough attention to a situation and withdraws from it resulting in a lack of energy in that chakra.
Over the next few weeks, I will go over each chakra in detail, including the following information:
- The colour
- The position
- The focus/the main message to be attained from the chakra
- Connections and similarities in other religions relative to that chakra
- Crystals
- The Rights of the chakra
- When the chakra develops
- Any demons associated with the chakra
- Key Words
- Issues
- Excessive Characteristics
- Deficient Characteristics
- Balance
- Physical Effects
- Healings and Meditations
- Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith
- Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss
- The Book of Chakras by Ambika Wauters
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